
Batiste Madalena: Hand-Painted Film Posters for the Eastman Theater, 1924-1928

Batiste Madalena (American, b. Italy, 1902–1988) designed and hand-paint film posters for The United States third- largest theater in Rochester, NY. Within a four-year period between 1924-1928 Madalena created over 1,400 unique works before the theater changed management. On average he created 8 new works per week. Batiste rescued 250 of these posters from the trash behind the theater. In the 1980s his discovery brought the attention of critics and collectors, and soon made him one of the most celebrated advertising artists for moving pictures. The Moma now features 53 works on display.

Batiste Madalena: Hand-Painted Film Posters for the Eastman Theater, 1924–1928
October 15, 2008–April 6, 2009

Titus Theater 1 Lobby Gallery, T1
Titus Theater 2 Lobby Gallery, T2

Batiste Madalena. Poster for Loves of Carmen. 1927. Tempera on poster board. Courtesy of Judith and Steven Katten
