
Tom Murrin "Mostly Masks"

Tom Murrin otherwise known as the Alien Comic has been a member of the La Mama family since the mid-60’s performing plays at La Mama, E.T.C. off 2nd Avenue and La Mama’s East 4th Street home. During the mid-‘70’s Murrin performed with Para-Troupe in Seattle, Washington, with a group called Para-Troupe. He then traveled solo around the world, doing a different show each day using his homemade masks, found object props and non-stop talking.

Murrin returned to New York City in 1978 with the Razor Art Gallery in Soho, By the ‘80’s, he was performing as “Alien Comic”, at theaters such as La Mama and Theater for the New City, music clubs like CBGB and Pyramid. Alien Comic was “the holiday host” at La Mama introducing new acts to La Mama audiences, such as Blue Man Group, Ethyl Eichelberger, David and Amy Sedaris. Murrin has continued performing and leading workshops to this day and in 2008 was honored by P.S.122 at their annual Gala for his work as a performer/curator in the downtown performance art community since the mid-‘80’s.

About 50 masks, portraits, costumes and backdrops made by Murrin from cardboard/foam core and acrylic paints used for performances are on display at “Mostly Masks” at La Mama La Galleria until November 16, 2008.

La Galleria
6 E 1st Street, New York City, between Bowery & 2nd Avenue, (212) 505-2476
Hours: Wednesday - Sunday 1 - 6 pm